December 2017

We present you the  EBS Digest. The publication includes a selection of articles and practical cases in management consulting, finance and accounting outsourcing, management, and legal practice.

The issue of business security has perhaps been the most fashionable trend for the last six months. There have been articles, onferences, seminars, master classes surrounding this. Is it even possible for a business to achieve 100% security and 100% control over a situation, realizing that its main task is to earn profits and increase its share capital, i.e. to keep in business while continuing to take risks? Have we really come to the point where the environment is so unsafe for business? Or is this simply how the business community is reacting to the shock caused by cyber attacks? Responding quickly to threats is important, but it’s even better to warn in advance of possible risks. Therefore, every businessman, manager and even ordinary employees should be prepared for unforeseen situations, force majeure circumstances and also be able to correctly resolve any situation, thereby protecting themselves and their business.

EBS Digest is available in on-line here EBS_Digest